How to sign up for the Recording Activity Notification Service

Sussex County property owners have an added defense when it comes to protecting their homes.

The County’s Recorder of Deeds office this month launched a free service to anyone who owns property in Sussex County. Called the Recording Activity Notification Service, the feature provides email alerts to property owners who have subscribed to the service whenever a land record is recorded with their registered name.

Recorder of Deeds Alexandra Reed Baker moved to institute the feature shortly after taking office in January, saying it is already included in the online recording software used by Sussex County to manage its database of property deeds and mortgages.

“Providing the citizens of Sussex County with tools to help protect their property from deed fraud is of utmost importance to me,” Recorder of Deeds Reed Baker said.

The service comes at a time of growing concern nationwide about identify theft, specifically deed fraud, whereby thieves file fictitious documents to steal the land right from under a property owner. Delaware’s transfer tax law – the fee recorded with each property transaction – makes it more challenging for criminals to commit deed fraud, Ms. Reed Baker said.

“Still, if we can offer something that gives the public some measure of peace of mind,” she added, “I think that’s worth making available and promoting.” Click here to access a PDF version of the directions on how to sign up for the Recording Activity Notification Service.

To sign up or learn more, visit Or call the Recorder of Deeds office at (302) 855-7785 for more information.

The First YPN Event of 2023 a Great Success!

SCAOR’s Young Professional’s Network happy hour event on Wednesday, January 25th to welcome members and new comers to an exciting new year at the Big Fish Grill in Ocean View was a huge success, despite the rainy weather. The turnout was fantastic, with many in attendance eager to network and make connections. The atmosphere at the event was lively and upbeat, making for a great evening of conversation and camaraderie. Overall, the event was a great opportunity for our members to come together and build relationships in a fun and relaxed setting. The appetizers at the Big Fish Grill were absolutely delicious, adding to the overall enjoyment of the night. Special thanks to SCAOR affiliates for their sponsorship of the event, which helped make the evening a success. Check back here frequently for more information about upcoming YPN events and visit the YPN Facebook page for additional information. 

Announcing the 2023 SCAOR Travel Scholarship

We recognize that staff, NAR Committee Members, and other members who may be interested in leadership could benefit from attending the NAR Mid-Year and/or the NAR Annual Meetings. Therefore, a scholarship fund has been created. All fully completed applications will be considered and judged with a scoring rubric to determine the awardees and the amount of each scholarship.

Any REALTOR® member who meets the criteria and are willing to fulfill the scholarship requirements are encouraged to apply by Friday, February 3, 2023 for travel to the NAR Legislative Mid-Year meetings in Washington D.C occurring May 6 – 11, 2023. The deadline to apply for travel to the NAR NXT Conference in Anaheim, CA occurring November 14 – 17, 2023 is Friday, April 28, 2023.

Detailed information as well as links to the application form can be found here.

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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