The SCAOR Card – Issue #010 – From the CEO’s Desk

Welcome to the June edition of the SCAORcard.  The most important information I can give the membership is a Lockbox Exchange update.  First, the Exchange is July 24-28.  Second, Sentrilock will commence programming lockboxes on Monday, July 24, with the first new lockboxes arriving at broker doorsteps in the afternoon and continuing throughout the week. SCAOR will be picking up lockboxes starting July 26 through July 28.  Please take time to download the app.  There are approximately 500 REALTORS that have downloaded the app, and we need many more before July 24.  Third, the Finance Committee will meet on August 10 to review the FY 2018 (FY18) Operating Budget.  The BOD will review/adopt the FY18 Budget no later than the November BOD meeting.  Speaking of meetings, stay tuned for Bright MLS training workshops this fall. Meeting dates will be on the SCAOR calendar and published within Association communications (SCAORcard, At-A-Glance, etc.).  On another note, I am happy to report that the capital improvements have been completed.  The LED lighting was installed inside the facility and outside in the parking lot.  Hopefully you will enjoy a safer experience when leaving SCAOR meetings in the evening hours.
Lastly, I would like to apologize for the association management software program problems.  SCAOR transitioned to RAMCO (NAR supported) in late 2016, and we have had minor problems ever since.  Management is researching alternatives to make your customer experience less cumbersome and more efficient.  Please be patient with us as we work through this challenge.
As always, if you have questions or comments, I can be reached via email at
Merritt Burke IV, CEO
Chief Executive Officer
Sussex County Association of REALTORS®

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