Tech Tip Tuesday – #023 – Beginner Level Task & Project Management
Today’s Tip:
Today’s Tech Tip Tuesday, We’ll be talking about how to get more done using a project manager.
In today’s world, maybe you feel like there’s more to do than you could ever get done in a day. One thing that can help with that is a project manager. The good news is that there’s a lot of good ones out there, and some are even available for free.
Today we’ll be showing an example using Wunderlist, which is what our staff uses to stay in sync. It’s cross platform, meaning you can access it as a website, on your phone, tablet, using windows, mac, and more. And best of all, you can try it out for free. If you’re on a mac, some of my favorites are OmniFocus and Things by cultured code.
Everyone’s seen a todo-list before. The cool thing about these, though, is that they’re collaborative. They can hold an infinite amount of items – and if you have the program on your phone, they’re always with you.
You can use these lists any ways that make sense for you, but this video contains a few ideas for you.