Tech Tip Tuesday #019 – Advanced MLS Wildcard Searching
Today’s Tip:
In the real world, we forget bits and pieces of information that’s essential to finding what we need. In the MLS, there’s a handy feature that helps find what you need using just pieces of information. The asterisks, (which you can produce by hitting “shift-8” on the keyboard is a wildcard that allows you to search for what you remember. Let’s see how it works.
Let’s say you can remember what some of your criteria starts with, but can’t remember the entire name or number. Well, add an asterisks wherever your memory fails. If I know the phone number of the person I’m looking for starts with a 302-227….but can’t remember the rest, add an asterisk, and it’ll search for everything that starts with those numbers. Let’s say you remember the last name starts with an “s” and ends with a “t”….but can’t remember their full name, add an asterisk in the middle.
Let’s say you remember the office name had the word re/max somewhere in it? Just add an asterisk at the beginning and end of the term, and now we see every occurrence of the word.
Very cool, very helpful way to find what you’re looking for when you can’t remember the whole term.
That’s advanced MLS wildcard searching, and that’s today’s tech tip tuesday.