Open House Safety Tips
In our continuing look at REALTOR® safety this September, today we’re going to focus on one of the most common situations for real estate agents – hosting an open house.
While it’s true that open houses are not utilized as much today as in decades past, they are still an effective tool for marketing your available properties. There are many considerations associated with hosting this type of event – some you know about….and perhaps some that you don’t.
As always, personal safety should be your top priority when out on the job. Let’s look at ways to stay safe during publicized open house events.
- When possible, use the buddy system. If someone from your office is available, bring them along for the day. Be sure to return the favor the next time your co-worker is having an open house event of their own.
- Check for a signal. Be sure to check for a signal on your cell phone before starting your open house. If the signal is weak or intermittent, make sure you’re close to a land line at all times – or use your buddy’s phone, if possible.
- Avoid rooms you can’t easily exit. These include attics, basements and small interior rooms that have a single way in and out – anywhere you can’t easily exit if need be.
- Let someone know before you go. Ask them to check up on you after a predetermined time, or to call the authorities if something in particular alarms them. It’s always good to let at least one other person know your location at all times.
- Always walk behind the guest. Never turn your back to someone at an open house, particularly if it’s someone you don’t know. Show him or her the home, but always walk behind the potential homebuyer to avoid any dangerous situations.
- Do a sweep before leaving. Don’t assume everyone has left the property at the end of the event. Check the rooms and yard before locking up.
By taking a few precautions, you can greatly reduce any risk to your personal safety while hosting an open house. Remember: Safety starts by being prepared in advance.