Letter from 2017 NAR President William Brown
Dear 2017 REALTOR® Association President:
At last week’s Leadership Summit, I asked REALTOR® association leadership to help drive the REVOLUTION occurring within our profession. The acceleration of change within the real estate industry, over the last decade, has been monumental. As leaders, it is our job to help our members and our associations stay ahead of these changes. By no means is this an easy task. However, NAR offers a wide range of resources to provide leadership with support.
First and foremost, I am sharing with you a link to Leadership Summit Resources. Here you can access numerous videos and presentations from the Summit that I hope will help to keep you motivated throughout 2017.
Additionally, we are launching, “Presidential Briefings: A monthly guide to your year in office,” which is geared solely at association leadership. This communication is designed to provide ongoing support, tips, tools, and resources to help you and your leadership team better serve your consistency. This communication is a new initiative spearheaded by the Association Executives Committee Volunteer Leadership Training Work Group and is supported by recommendations from last year’s local and state presidents and AEs. We will request your feedback and recommendations as the initiative rolls out.
On behalf of the National Association of REALTORS®, thank you for the work you do now, and for the work you’ll do throughout 2017. As elected leaders, we only have one year in our roles; we only have one year to make a difference. Let’s utilize every day to make sure that we are fulfilling the responsibilities that were entrusted to us by our members.
Let’s look towards the future and act in the moment. Now is the time to be revolutionary!
William E. Brown
2017 President
National Association of REALTORS®