The SCAOR Card – Issue #016 – From the CEO’s Desk
Welcome to the February edition of the SCAORcard. For those new to reading the SCAORcard, it is a monthly e-newsletter capturing the month that was and informing the membership about the months forthcoming. Essentially, it is your monthly source of SCAOR information (education, public policy, membership, finances, YPN, Bright MLS, etc.).
The highlights from the month of Feb. are that we are preparing for the Bright MLS conversion date. Bright MLS executives attended the March 8 BOD meeting to discuss proposed conversion dates. We expect to release an official date sometime in March. Stay tuned for this very important announcement.
Other news includes that all SCAOR Committees have met multiple times in 2018. The Young Professional Network (YPN) has met twice and will be leading an RPAC fundraiser in November. They are also planning for an April mixer and a summer event.The Affiliates, totaling 24 and growing, have also been busy meeting monthly. The Affiliate Committee is planning for a busy year with three mixers. The mixers are a great way to network with various companies who work in the real estate industry. The first mixer is March 22 at JD Shuckers in Georgetown, DE.
One topic that is causing confusion for members is billing (membership dues and MLS fees). In years past MLS/Sentrilock fees were invoiced in June for a July 1 to June 30 service year. That changed in 2017 with the pending Bright MLS conversion date. The BOD voted to invoice members for 6 months or from July 1 to December 31, 2017. When the conversion date was delayed into 2018, the BOD voted to invoice members for MLS services from January 1 through March 31 ($60 for members and $90 for MLS Only). Members were emailed, I sent a voicemail and information was published in SCAOR weekly communications. The actual invoice date was January 16 through Feb. 16; however, with RAMCO (association management software challenges) we did not disconnect members until March 5. The reconnection fee remains from years past $50. A second invoice for 2018 may occur. The BOD will hear from Bright MLS executives on March 8, and a decision will be made in reference to the official conversion date and if a second invoice will be sent to members. We will communicate directly to the membership through emails, a phone call from me and weekly communications.
To summarize, Sentrilock fees are due in June and Membership Dues are due in October of every year. If you are a Broker/Participant or Member not receiving information from SCAOR, please call us right away. You should be receiving at least 13 emails per month including the monthly SCAORcard. You also should be receiving emails from the Affiliates. Our goal is to send you timely and accurate information every month. We appreciate your membership with SCAOR and look forward to serving you.
Lastly, SCAOR hosted several programs in Feb. The Public Policy Committee State Legislator breakfast was February 8,the first Broker/Participant meeting of 2018 was February 9, a Sussex County Economic Development meeting was February 26 and the Rental Affairs Committee Summit was February 28. All meetings were well attended. Future meetings/events include the above mentioned three Affiliate mixers and multiple YPN mixers. Please consider attending a meeting or mixer to network and build your business.
Merritt Burke IV