Celebrating 100 Years REALTOR®

What’s it all About?

It’s common in the United States for someone turning 100 years old to receive a greeting card or a note in the mail signed by the President, noting the important milestone in that person’s life.  This tradition does not carry over to businesses, although in some cases it probably should.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of NAR’s REALTOR® trademark. It can be argued that the hundreds of thousands of members throughout that century of service have done more to bolster the American economy than any other group. After all, we all learned how important the real estate market is to the nation back in 2008…..didn’t we?

When real estate fell, so did the overall economy, and a recession soon followed.


Rewind to March of 1916, when the then National Association of Real Estate Boards voted unanimously during a convention in New Orleans to adopt the term “REALTOR®” as a way of identifying members who had chosen to adhere to the eight-year-old group’s strict code of ethics. So this year, REALTORS® across the country are celebrating this “revolutionary group of individuals who are deeply committed to integrity, community and protecting the American dream of property ownership.”



Help Us Celebrate!

This important anniversary is being recognized and celebrated throughout the country by different local, state and regional associations in many different ways. One way NAR has asked members to note this important historical designation is by encouraging consumers to “Get REALTOR®,” via an advertising campaign that helps to define the value of using a REALTOR®.  Member REALTORS® are also encouraged throughout the year to visit a special Web page created by NAR – www.100years.realtor – and share their story with the general membership. If you’re doing something special to bolster your community and promote the REALTOR® brand in a positive way, visit the site and let everyone know about it!

Current stories on the site include associations who have established charitable foundations, helped the Special Olympics and established programs that assist our nation’s veterans, as well as REALTORS® who help to make their communities better places to live and to work.

At the end of the day, the REALTOR® brand has an important meaning in the United States.

It’s just as true today as it was 100 years ago:  “There’s never been a better time to be a REALTOR®.”



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